Sign of a Job Well Done
Contributed by Darian Dixon
This Mastcam-Z Left Filter 0 (RGB) natural color image was taken on Sol 2 (February 20th, 2021). Right in the very beginning of the mission. This image means a lot to me because it was one of the first post-landing Mastcam-Z images I saw. Seeing this was a tremendous outpouring of emotion for me. It was a culmination of so much work. For us operators, the development phase of the mission (before landing) was a time of trial and error, arduous preparation, painstaking review of data, and countless tests of new ideas and procedures. We put in an incredible amount of time and effort making sure our teams and our tools were ready and equipped to operate these awesome cameras. When I saw this image of the rover deck and our calibration target, it was a big source of pride for all the work we’ve done and all the work we’d continue to do.
February 7, 2023