

Mastcam-Z’s Landscape Mosaic Collection

Compiled and posted by Jim Bell and Tasha Coelho (last updated 3 February 2025)

Mosaic sequencing and data processing performed by the Mastcam-Z Operations Team at Arizona State University, Cornell University, and Malin Space Science Systems, Inc. See this conference abstract and the reference citation below for a full list of team members and more details.

As of Mars 2020 mission sol 1259, the Mastcam-Z instrument team has acquired 977 multi-pointing mosaics covering surface within Jezero crater. Here we provide full-resolution PNG versions of each of those mosaics, mapped into simple cylindrical projections in an azimuth/elevation coordinate system known as “Site Frame”, in which elevation = 0° corresponds to pointing at a flat horizon and azimuth = 0° corresponds to pointing due north on Mars.

Each mosaic is created from the radiance-calibrated “RAD” versions of the individual PDS-released Mastcam-Z images that were acquired within each mosaic sequence. A Site Frame azimuth and elevation grid is shown in the background of each mosaic, to help provide a sense of scale to each scene (a future upgrade will include scale bars with each mosaic).

Mosaics for each multi-pointing imaging sequence were created using this file naming scheme:

SOL#### = mission sol number 
ZCAM##### = Mastcam-Z sequence identification number
Z### = focal length, in mm (from wide-angle Z029 to high-res Z110)
FILTER = 2-character camera (L or R) and Filter ID (0 to 7)
PT = Product Type (described below)
SRC = SCI (meaning science-calibrated RAD versions of individual files)
PRJ = Map Projection (usually Cylindrical, but sometimes Vertical)
TARGET = Target name of the primary feature(s) of interest in the scene
VV = 2-digit version identifier
EXT = .png extension 

For mosaics acquired using both the left eye and right eye Mastcam-Z cameras, eight Product Type versions of each mosaic are presented in PNG format:

Product Number   Product Type
    1,2          NN = Natural color product PNG, Left and Right eyes
    3,4          EE = Enhanced color product PNG, Left and Right eyes
     5           NC = Natural color anaglyph ("colorglyph") PNG
     6           EC = Enhanced colorglyph PNG
     7           AB = Anaglyph, Blue PNG
     8           AR = Anaglyph, Red PNG

The anaglyph products are intended for viewing with standard red/blue stereo glasses. For the small number of mosaics that have been acquired in just one or the other Mastcam-Z eye, stereo views are not possible and so there will only be two PNG product types, corresponding to Natural (NN) and Enhanced (EE) color versions of the mosaic from the single eye used to image the scene.

The featured image for each mosaic is the left eye enhanced color (“EE”) version, downsized to a JPEG that is 10% the size of the original, full-resolution PNG file.

These mosaics are available for public or scientific community use without the need for explicit permission. However, the team would be grateful if a reference could be made to the conference abstract cited below, as well as a photo credit of “NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS” were to be provided for any public or commercial use of these image products.


Reference: J.F. Bell III, T. Coelho, C. Crowder, C. Donaldson, L. Duflot, R. Howson, E. Jensen, J. Joseph, S. Larriva, J.N. Maki, L. Mehall, G. Paar, K. Paris, K. Powell, J. Proton, S. Raines, D. Sallurday, N. Schmitz, C. Traxler, K. Winchell, R. Yingling, & the Mastcam-Z Science and Operations Team, Landscape Mosaics Acquired in Jezero Crater by the Mastcam-Z Investigation on the NASA Mars 2020 Mission’s Perseverance Rover, 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1719, The Woodlands, Texas, March 10–14, 2025.

Mastcam-Z Mosaic #977

Sol: 1256


Mastcam-Z Mosaic #977 from Sol 1256 (Aug. 31, 2024), rover site 58, drive position 204, sequence zcam09317.0000a.eremita_mesa_specter_chasm_workspace_margin_unit_marion_point_scam_libs_rmi_visir_P33_L0R0_Z110.

977.01) Left eye color panorama, enhanced color PNG

977.02) Left eye color panorama, natural color PNG

977.03) Right eye color panorama, enhanced color PNG

977.04) Right eye color panorama, natural color PNG

977.05) Left/Right eye RED channel anaglyph panorama, enhanced color PNG

977.06) Left/Right eye BLUE channel anaglyph panorama, enhanced color PNG

977.07) Left/Right eye RGB color anaglyph panorama, enhanced color PNG

977.08) Left/Right eye RGB color anaglyph panorama, natural color PNG