Bruce Betts
Bruce Betts, Ph.D., is the Education and Public Outreach Lead for the Mastcam-Z investigation. He is the Chief Scientist and LightSail Program Manager for The Planetary Society. He is a planetary scientist, science educator, project manager, and children’s book author. Bruce and a team at The Planetary Society, the world’s largest space interest group, work with the Mastcam-Z science and engineering teams to share the excitement and stories tied to this amazing camera system. Bruce has a Stanford B.S. and M.S. and a Caltech Ph.D. (Planetary Science). He researched planetary surfaces. He was a NASA Headquarters Discipline Scientist, and is an Alumnus Senior Scientist with Planetary Science Institute. He provides fun space info through his social media, and through video, podcast, and blogs on planetary.org. He is the author of four children’s books about space. He has 2 sons, a girlfriend, and giant dogs.