Marco Merusi
Marco Merusi is a PhD fellow at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). He is working with Kjartan Kinch and Morten Bo Madsen on the calibration of Mastcam-Z using the calibration targets mounted on the deck of the Perseverance Rover. After a Bachelor in Astronomy in Bologna (Italy), he specialised in planetary science at the University of Padova (Italy) with a thesis on the hollows of Mercury and with an international experience in Liège (Belgium). In 2019, he spent a 4-month internship at LATMOS Research Centre in Guyancourt (France) on the analysis of images collected by the ACS spectrometer of the TGO orbiter of the ExoMars mission. He can’t live without his 200 mm Newtonian telescope.
Here’s an interview (in Italian!) about Marco’s work for Mastcam-Z: https://www.media.inaf.it/2021/08/03/intervista-marco-merusi/ (use Google Chrome to translate to English, if needed)